by Gums » Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:17 pm
Welcome back!
We're pleased to announce that the basic side-quest system is now up and running. You should be able to see which characters have quests available for you, accept those quests and complete them.
You'll get a reward: XP, Ink, and maybe an item. For now we're just making sure the system is working, so these rewards are just a bonus and don't expect anything too spectacular. Some quests will be unavailable to you until you reach a particular level. Be sure to let us know on the forums if you encounter a bug, get stuck or have a suggestion.
In order to test the new quest system comprehensively, you will find that your character is now level 1 again and we have also cleared your almost certainly cluttered inventories. This will happen from time to time during the Alpha but don't worry, there is nothing super rare in-game just yet that you will miss terribly.
There's still MUCH, MUCH more to come and we'll be sure to keep you updated. These are just the very basic beginnings of the game's features.
Happy Questing, and have a very Merry Christmas! Happy Questing, and have a very merry Christmas!
- Regards, Gums
P.S There are a few festive visitors on the island. If you find them, give them a prod.